landscape lighting
The combination of all outdoor lighting into a harmonious, balanced and coordinated work of light art. The goal of landscape lighting is the daily rediscovery of your green oasis. Its face changes with the seasons, evoking emotions such as amazement, curiosity and well-being. It is subject to the design rules and works with structures, contrast, colors and shapes to stimulate our visual perception in the most pleasant way.
ground spike light
Erspiesslampe is the most commonly used design for landscape lighting. The simple repositioning allows a constant adjustment to the growth of the garden
aluminum lights
aluminum lightsare a cheap alternative, but they should only be used where there is no risk of damage to the silicone thermal coating.
copper lights
copper lightsprove to be the most robust garden lights. Thanks to the corrosion that has lasted for years, it only gets dark and after about 7 years they start to turn greenish, invisible in every garden
chrome steel lamp
Chrome steel lamp robust and timeless, thanks to the V4A 316L mixture, these lights also optically withstand salt water influences. When the sun is shining, these can be annoying in the garden.